
Monday, October 17, 2011

Tons of Leaves

Welcome fall! Thank you for providing all your crunchy and colorful leaves to throw and to collect! 

Elise collected all of these special leaves herself. Here she is smiling and showing
them off. The criteria included: large leaves, leaves with green, leaves with red,
or just leaves that were funny looking.  They are all piled up on top of a
few beloved plastic animals: a sheep and a cat.
We upgraded Elise's outdoor toys to a Radioflyer tricycle. She is just learning to become an efficient peddler so we opted to get the one with a removable handle so we can provide assistance over bumpy sidewalks or up hills. After an evening of trying it out inside the house, Elise's bike was 'deemed' outdoor ready. We just love this old vintage look! So far, it's a hit and it will get a lot of use before the snow flies....
Riding our tricycle to the grocery store. Too bad there isn't
a basket to haul back the groceries. 
On our way home. We almost made the entire trip... Elise wore out the last half block.

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