
Friday, November 16, 2012

Babies and Buses

28 weeks

Jeff and I surprised our parents with an early Christmas present... a 3D/4D ultrasound of the twins. They didn't know where we were going until we showed up to My Little Me.

It came to no surprise that only Baby A cooperated... afterall, Baby B (the one on top and living in my ribcage) has always been difficult to capture during every ultrasound. But Baby A gave us some Vogue-like pictures and let us listen to her tiny heartbeat. Our parents didn't have the luxury of having ultrasounds when they were pregnant with us so it was extra special to share this moment with them.
Baby A foot
Baby A with her hand on her chin-- looking quite thoughtful

We were given a free return visit to come back to capture Baby B on film. This time we took Elise. As we were walking in, Elise said 'Thank you for taking me!'. It was nice to have a moment with her. Just the three of us holding hands in the parking lot.
Finally Baby B cooperated. We found both girls hugging each other... head to head. Elise was excited to hear their heartbeats. She had a sweet little grin on her face when the tech played it over the speakers.
Baby B with her hand on her head
Baby B with Baby A's head in the background
It's funny but both babies look like Elise when she was a little peanut head. Wonder what they will look like in 2 more months. Before we left, Elise wanted to try out the bed. 

It was such a tiring appointment that Elise even fell asleep. Just kidding....

Another new thing this past week is that Elise is riding the bus to school- well kind of. I drive Elise to school and park in a church parking lot across the street. Due to multiple accidents at the crosswalk and  parents finding it difficult to transport their preschooler across the street with other little ones in tow, the bus that drops off bused kids stop in the parking lot to shuttle Elise and friends across the street. I'm not complaining, nor is she!
Unfortunately, I had another ultrasound the first day of busing so Grandma and Grandpa had to step in.  All I know is that there were only smiles and she was as happy as a clam when I arrived to pick her up.

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