
Monday, February 25, 2013

6 Weeks Old and Winterfest

The girls just had their 1 month pediatrician appointment this past Thursday. Both Hadley (top) and Cecilia (bottom) weigh 7 pounds 9 ounces and are 21.5 inches long. The only thing that separates them is that Cecilia has a larger head by 1/8 inch. I attribute all of this growing to Elise helping with some of their feedings. She can be such a great helper! 


Thankfully Cecilia's horrendous diaper rash is a thing of the past!


All this growing has lead them to be awake more during the day... which is a blessing and a curse for a mommy who wants to get things done around the house too. They haven't coordinated their awake times which means that I am bounced from one baby to the next as the awake one eventually falls asleep only to have the other baby magically wake up at the same time needing attention. They almost seem to say 'Tag Me In Sis'!

The difficult thing with twins is that there isn't enough ME to go around. I want to hold everyone and enjoy each baby when they are both awake and happy yet also when they are upset and crying. I do my best and try not to be discouraged with myself when I can't do it all-- so far only the housework is suffering and mealtimes are less than gourmet. My goal is to at least serve a main course and scrounge up side dishes at the last minute! This is also because meal times are hectic as the girls are fussy and crying during this time of day. I can only imagine how it must be to be Jeff and walk into a hurricane of noise and fury after the end of a work day. But then again, I'm also happy to have another pair of hands. During the weekdays, Jeff is fabulous as he helps by holding and bouncing a fussy baby over dinner and gets Elise ready and off to bed. On the weekend, he's in the trenches with me.

Hadley- little smiling smirk!
 The girls have also started smiling although I have yet to catch a good one on my camera.  Funny how they reached this little milestone on same day a few days short of 5 weeks.
Hadley- 6 weeks
Little bit of floor time- Hadley and Cecilia 6 weeks

Cecilia- 6 weeks

Jeff and I have made it a point to carve out 'date time' with Elise. Being a big sister requires time to do Big Girl stuff with mom and dad alone... whether it be dinner out or a trip to Giant Eagle. This past weekend Elise and I left Daddy and the girls home while we walked up to Perrysburg's Winterfest.
In a heated tent they had free food, hot chocolate, crafts, clowns and face painting. We had a blast together!
Elise the Cat

Outside they had ice carvers from around the country. We liked the animals at the card table the best. It's amazing what you can do with a chain saw and over sized dremmel!
Afterwards we walked home and hung our birdseed pinecone in our front yard for our feathered friends... complements from the day's outing.

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