
Saturday, June 29, 2013

Where Does the Time Go?

 Yes, the babies take a lot of time but we've made a huge effort to carve out important 'Elise only' time. But with that being said, just today it struck me how big and mature she is getting. It either happened overnight or I just woke up and realized how far she's come since she was a little baby.
 Elise went to Nana and Pop's house for 3 nights just the other week for some one-on-one fun. And fun they had! The few times Jeff and I called to talk to her, she was having so much fun she could barely speak to us. The visit was a success (no homesickness or tears) and she has announced to us that next time she will stay 4 nights... then 5.... then 6....
Pops and Elise at the Medina library
Elise still becomes annoyed when the babies cry and carry on-- but can also be such a source of help. She helps to spoon feed them, give them baths, pick up dropped toys and do their laundry. It's nice to have her funny 4 year-old wit sprinkled into my day. I love when she makes me smile and laugh which happens all the time. Hard to believe that she'll be 4.5 next week. 

Enjoy Elise's choreographed routine to Pink's 'Just Give Me a Reason'.... it's hard to hear in the beginning but super cute knowing that she's memorized an entire song.

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