
Monday, September 7, 2009

Go Bucks! and Physical Therapy

Elise finally got to see her beloved Buckeyes start their football season off by beating Navy (31-27). She celebrated the game by wearing her Jim Tressel onesie....super cute! She's such a fan! Unfortunately the next game will be past her bedtime so we'll have to record it on our DVR so she can review the highlights the next day.

Elise has also been working with a physical therapist. Because of her high risk for developmental delays (thankfully we don't yet have any!), we are fortunate that our county sends therapists and educators to our home once a month to assess Elise's growth and development. At our August visit, the physical therapist suggested that we work with a private therapist to help Elise continue with her motor development. Last week was our first visit (we will have a total of six weeks worth of appointments). Our therapist, Ann, taught me how to encourage Elise to turn and reach for toys placed by her side and games we can play when she is on her belly... all in order to make those muscles strong for the day she decides to start crawling and getting into/out of a sitting position. We had a lot of fun and look forward to this week's appointment. Crawling must be getting closer because Elise has been getting onto her knees and rocks back and forth. Get the baby gates ready!

On a side note, we are getting some sleep! It's official that we sleep through the night. Elise is in bed and asleep between 7-7:30 and wakes between 6:30-7:30. It's wonderful!

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