
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Easter and 15-Month Well Visit

Elise celebrated her second Easter this past Sunday. She woke up at 7:30 to discover that the Easter bunny had stopped by with a basket full of goodies- books, a cd for the car (as Mommy is slowly going insane from her other car cd!), pajamas and matchbox cars (yes, she loves them!). After a huge bowl of Cheerios with milk, a whole banana, strawberries and yogurt, she changed into her Easter dress that Nana had made. We had practiced wearing our new Easter shoes ahead of time so there weren't any tears when we didn't wear our beloved tennis shoes. The church service was a success- Elise loved turning the hymnal pages and pointing at the beautiful stained glass windows. Afterwards we hosted a brunch for Grandma, Grandpa, Nana, Poppa, great grandmother Sophie, Aunt Amy, and Uncle Rik back at our house. Elise had so much fun at the brunch that she boycotted her afternoon nap by sleeping a mere 20 minutes. Elise required a second afternoon nap after everyone went home. We are still working on the one nap a day thing!

Yesterday, Elise had her 15-month well visit with her pediatrician. We've grown- no doubt from the massive meals that Elise loves to eat! We are 20 lbs. 6 oz (25%), 29 1/4 inches long (25%), and 17 1/2 inches head circumference (25%). Dr. Kennedy assured me that it's ok that Elise won't drink milk (she only drinks water!) since she eats a healthy dose of dairy rich foods. We continue to fight Elise with a consistent nap each day but hopefully with extra play outdoors, we'll fall into one long
afternoon nap before too long. Keep those fingers crossed! Our next visit will be in 3 months- and then we will be going at a yearly interval once we reach age 2---- which for some reason doesn't seem so far away!!!!!

We have been blessed with an unseasonably warm April thus far. Yesterday and today have been 80-- the average temperature is 53! We've been trying to spend as much time as possible outside. Elise and I are have been eating all our meals on the deck, playing at the park, and pushing our infamous lion around the yard. Elise has turned into quite the neighborhood greeter as she stops to wave at every passing car, bicycle rider and dog walker. Of course we will teach her that strangers aren't our friends!

The video below is something I filmed today. When we were outside, I noticed how pink and flush Elise's cheeks were getting so I casually asked if she was 'hot'. I wasn't necessarily looking for a response but I got one- Elise puckered her lips and started blowing. She had associated the word 'hot' with food. When we cut up food that is too warm to eat, we blow on it and say it's 'hot'. Smart cookie.

But, by the far, the best thing happened today as I picked up Elise at physical therapy..... she walked to me! Ann (our therapist) helped Elise walk out into the waiting room. A few feet away from me, Ann stopped-- and out stepped Elise with those wobbly legs and a huge smile plastered upon her face! Elise took the two best steps in her life towards me!!! I played it off like I wasn't about to cry with excitement and relief but I was screaming on the inside! Ann assured me that Elise may not walk much at home but to be patient-- it's coming! (On a side note, Ann has another patient who walks regularly at therapy but refuses to do so at home- another parent who shares in our misery!) Next time I hope Elise wobbles towards Daddy. I imagine in another month or so we'll be chasing her around the yard!

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