
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Here's comes summertime!

With much disappointment, the school year is wrapping up. Elise and I are sad to see the kids out of school for two different reasons.....

First, Elise is upset that the long parade of school buses past our home in the afternoons is coming to an end. Between the local public school and a bunch of private schools nearby, our afternoons have been consumed with welcoming the buses down our street. Faithfully between 3:25 and 4:10, Elise and I sit outside in our driveway and wave to each bus driver. Elise has trained the majority of them to either wave, honk the horn or the best of all.... one driver actually stops in front of our driveway, opens the doors and waves directly at Elise. I think that Elise dreams of the day when she can drive her own school bus. What will we do with our afternoons now that school is out? I guess we'll be taking our stuffed animal monkey for more walks.

I, on the otherhand, am disappointed to share our outings with zillions of other children! For instance, today we met the Hebekas at the Imagination Station- our science museum. In another week this place will be crawling with tons of children but today we all had a blast. Julie brought along their three children: Tommy and twins Anna and Eliza. The museum's enclosed Kidspace area was phenomenal (kindergarten and under). Elise especially loved the grocery store with the little carts. She was content to have her own Giant Eagle experience by putting whatever food she wanted into her shopping cart. What does it it mean when she packed away five roast chickens into the tiny cart?! We also enjoyed playing in the firetruck (aren't the hats cute?!) and the extra large water tables.

1 comment:

Becky and Gary said...

I LOVE the photo with the bus in the background! Elise has grown so much in the past two months-she looks so much older!