
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A Day of Firsts

We had such a day of firsts!

Elise started a new playgroup today... We are now attending playgroups on Wednesdays and Thursdays- both of which are affiliated with Help Me Grow. The Thursday playgroup, which we have been attending for the past year, consists of gross and fine motor play, an art project, snack and music time. There are two early intervention specialists on staff and each child comes with a parent.

It was suggested by the speech therapist that we also try attending a second playgroup which focuses on gross motor play to help bring out Elise's speech. This playgroup is held down the road at Sylvania Playland- an indoor playground. It truly is a child's dream playground. While we've been to the Playland before, it was always during hours when the place is packed with kids. Today, we had the place to ourselves and five other children.

It was here that Elise first jumped.... she's been 'jumping' in the past but it's more like a gallop jump where only one foot is airborne at a time. But not today- she learned to jump. It may sound even silly to mention but this really is an achievement!

Last week, Elise first sat on the toilet. Yes, you didn't think I would go through all these blog entries without bringing up potty talk at one time or another! First, let me state it is not my intention to begin potty training but it is my intention to get Elise thinking there may be life beyond diapers and what it feels like to go on the potty. Afterall, diapers nowadays are really good-- a wet diaper feels dry!

So, today when Elise was obviously 'pooping', I asked her if she wanted to sit on the potty and she surprisingly was game. Off we went to the big potty and wouldn't you know, the little girl went 'pee' and 'poop'! It really was a novelty to see what was on the other end when she was done. After some 'hi fives' and cheers we ceremoniously flushed it down.

I'm still sticking to the fact that we are not potty training right now, but going on the potty and learning how to say 'pee' and 'poo' really does count as a first!

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