
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Yep, Potty Training!

Well, we jumped into it with two feet! It's official, we are potty training.

This time is as good as any as we had fewer activities this week and Elise expressed interest in wearing a cute little pair of underwear. So, during all waking hours Elise is wearing BIG girl underwear! The first two days we had several accidents- however, the last two (almost 3) days we have been accident-free! I anticipate a few accidents to still pop up before we consider this a closed case but in actuality, Elise is doing fabulous! She even tells us when it's time to go... what a big girl! We are so proud of her! Now, what to do with all that extra diaper money?

I'll spare everyone (and Elise's embarrassment) by not posting a potty shot. This little smile (we're still working on it!) is post-potty. Elise is very proud of herself. I know the water looks dingy but it must be the combination of my phone and poor lighting as we really flushed the toilet prior to the picture...

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