
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

It's good to be big!

Elise is learning that it's good to be a big girl!

First, you can get the flu mist at the doctor's office! For children older than 2, you can bypass that nasty shot and get the flu mist. After practicing in the doctor's office, Elise was ready to go! Afterwards she requested 'More'. I assume not many children ask for 'more' as the nurse chuckled all the way out of the room.

Secondly, goodbye diapers! Elise has been wearing her big girl underwear 24-hours a day for about the past month. Yes, that means naps and nighttime too. No accidents either! Now, if she only would be a bit taller she could learn to hop up on the potty all by herself. We're working on it though...

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