
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Wacky Wednesday

 I'm sure you have been celebrating all week too... it's the week of the Young Child. It's on your calendar, right?

In celebration of the big week, each day has been something fun and new at school for Elise. Monday, they got to watch a movie (Chicka, Chicka 1,2,3) with the whole school of preschoolers. Popcorn included! Tuesday everyone supported their favorite teams. Need we mention what color Elise wore?

Today was Wacky Wednesday! And wacky it was! Elise wore her butterfly shirt, butterfly pants, two different kids of socks, two different kinds of shoes (I sent an extra shoe in her book bag just in case!) and three pony tails with mismatched bows.
When we were picking out her outfit last night, Elise was convinced that because both her shirt and pants had butterflies on them that they had matched. Oh boy.

The other kids in her class were equally put together but it sure looked like fun! ... And tomorrow is pajama day! Elise has been waiting all week for this one!
Unless I if I run errands before picking up Elise, both Garth and Demi go with me to pick Elise up from school. In fact, they are fanatics about it--- they are glued to me when it's time for me to leave. No one wants to get left behind. And, this is where Demi likes to sit-- in Elise's car seat. 

We also just had a parent-teacher conference with Elise's teacher. She is impressed with Elise's growth in all areas. Her speech is excelling and she's participating more in class as she is comfortable with the school routine. We are so proud of her and frankly we agree with Miss Gail too. She also mentioned how far along her artwork has come since January. You be the judge-- this is a picture of Aunt Amy she made before lunch today:

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