
Saturday, June 1, 2013

4 Months and Preschool Picnic

On May 21st, the girls had their 4-month checkup and shots. There was some interesting news. As we had guessed, Hadley weighed more than her sister!
14 pounds (50%)
24 1/4 inches long (50%)
15 1/8 inch head diameter (25%)

13 pounds 9 oz (45%)
24 1/2 inches long (50%)
15 3/4 inch head diameter (30%)

We were given the green light to start food-- first with rice cereal and then every 3-4 days introduction of a new food. I expressed concern that the girls are not yet taking long naps nor were they always on the same napping/eating schedule. Dr. Kennedy just smiled and said that's the way it may just be. Oh well. Cecilia continues to sleep through the night (10:30-7am) but Hadley gets up half the time to eat between 3-4am. Hopefully some food will keep her fuller longer-- but it will also change our already precarious daily schedule. I guess I can't have it all!

It's hard to believe that yet another year of preschool has flown by. Elise had her year-end celebration at a local park. There, Ms Gail's morning and afternoon preschool classes gathered for an evening picnic. It was amazing how many people turned out and the amount of food that was there. We brought not only the twins but both sets of grandparents to share in the festivities.
Grandpa and Hadley (4 months)
Ms Elaine with Cecilia
Nana with Hadley and Grandma with sleeping Cecilia
Grandma, Grandpa and Cecilia
Hadley, Pops and Nana
Elise gave Ms Gail and Ms Elaine there end of the year teacher gifts- necklaces. Each necklace had their name engraved along with the saying 'From Little Seeds Grow Mighty Trees'. How true!
Ms Elaine with her new necklace and Elise wearing
an outfit that she picked out on her own!
Ms Gail opening her gift
While we all had great fun, the evening proved too much for the little girls! They had a hard time settling down and taking their last bottle of the day-- even though the grandparents had taken them home to eat. Note to self, 4 month-old babies know all about socializing and therefore shouldn't be partying and whooping it up when the day should be winding down!

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