
Sunday, October 6, 2013

8.5 Months

The babies are getting so big! We are moving into such a fun yet busy time with them. Having 2 active babies is definitely more fun than having 2 newborns. Hadley and Cecilia are crawling machines! Sometimes they travel as a pack and sometimes they take off in completely different directions. We are at the point that we have to make sure the dog toys are off the ground and that we close some doors (especially the laundry room where the dog water bowls have been discovered!) in order to contain them. And even though I already vacuum all the time, I sometimes now vacuum twice a day. But then again, that may be more for me than them!
Hadley and Cecilia
Hadley 8.5 months
Cecilia 8.5 months
They have been pulling up to standing on almost anything. Granted this has sometimes resulted in horrible results when they slip and fall (ie- black eyes, bruises, tears, etc). But with a lot of practice, they can usually hold on to something to keep them steady and play with a toy in the other hand. Hadley has mastered sitting back down but sometimes Cecilia still cries out when she gets stuck in the standing position.
Elise and Cecilia helping with laundry
First all-girl bathtime together!
Elise, Hadley and Cecilia
We've also ditched the 'baby' bathtub and upgraded to the real bathtub. While the girls love splashing around together, it is all hands on deck for the adult on bath duty as the babies like to try and practice their standing. Elise is happy to join the girls even though we barely have an inch of water!
We are finally phasing out our 3rd nap of the day! Yippee! Three naps can definitely keep one housebound. Now we can finally venture out as a family over dinner time. And what baby/child doesn't love over stimulation at BW3? We are also introducing some real food in addition to baby food. It's so nice to plunk down some cooked vegetables or Cheerios. I feel like we are coming out of the fog of babyhood!!  
Out to dinner at BW3
Notice that we are eating dinner so early that no one else is there!
Go Buckeyes
Hadley and Cecilia getting silly
Hadley- what a ham
It truly is a joy to have 3 girls. Yes, there are a lot of tears during the day mixed in with some drama, but the highlights of a regular day are fun and can put a smile on your face. Just lay on the ground and call the whole gang over. You will have Cecilia and Hadley crawling so fast with smiles plastered on their faces, Elise hugging you and and two dogs leaning over with wagging tails. We definitely have a lot of love!

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