
Sunday, March 29, 2009


Without jinxing ourselves, I think Elise is finally down to waking/eating once each night! This is such a nice departure from getting up to feed 2+ more times a night. We are almost starting to feel a bit less sleep deprived! Usually Elise takes a bottle around 10pm- which holds her until 1am or 2am (if we are lucky!). After an hour of eating and sitting upright (to prevent spit up and reflux), we are back to sleep until about 4 or 5am. This means that we are eating every 3-4 hours. Last night was the best night ever! Elise ate at the 3.5 hour mark and then almost 5 hours later. Let's just say this is only the second time that we have gotten up before Elise has woken us! You can't imagine what a treat this can be!

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