
Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Nursery and Playtime

Even though Elise is a little over 3 months old, her nursery continues to be a work in progress. Aunt Amy painted some pink and brown canvases (we love them!) to hang over Elise's changing table. They match our circle rug. Elise noticed the addition right away! Jeff and I also ordered her a mobile to hang over her bed as she has discovered interest in brightly colored things. As for drapes or a valence, we haven't gotten that far!

I had never really intended to hang a mobile but she seems to love it! I make it a point to play with her in her crib each and everyday so she makes the association that her crib isn't a 'bad' place to be... plus the thought is that maybe one day she will be able to self-soothe herself back to sleep. While I'd like for her to take all of her naps in her bed, she has yet to approve of the idea. I sometimes give up and let her snooze in her swing (her favorite) or in my arms (but I'm trying to get a way from that!). My goal is to slowly introduce a schedule for napping and bedtime. Jeff and I have established a nighttime routine but that's all so far. Of course, she's still a bit young to have anything set in stone-- maybe by this summer we'll be good to go!

Now that Elise is getting bigger, she's much more active and energetic! Her new favorite activity is to play on her back on her play mat. She kicks and throws her arms around- hitting the musical toys as she goes. All the smiles and cooing shows that it's really a party! Maybe in another month or two, she'll be starting to reach out and grab those toys!

Evenings can still be a bit tiring at our house. Poor Jeff usually arrives home when the meltdowns begin. Elise is just blowing off steam and telling us she's getting tired. A good bath always perks her up (she loves to watch herself in the mirror while we suds her up!) and we follow it with a meal. Afterwards, she starts to get sleepy and ready for least that's the plan!

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