
Saturday, April 23, 2011

Easter 2011

Happy Easter everyone!

We started our Easter preparation a good week ago. First, Elise made Easter cards for her grandparents. Both Nana and Pops Nilsson and Grandma and Grandpa Kaiser got
customized cards with a freehand crayon picture on the front and Easter stickers on the inside. Elise spent a lot of time personalizing her cards and placing them in the mailbox for the mailman.

On Easter morning, Elise got her 'basket' from the Easter bunny. He was extra creative this year by not using a traditional basket but rather a new yellow Bilibo. The shell is left
for the child to use their imagination- to invent their own games and to have fun in a creative way. He also left some new Clifford books, Dora watering can and a magnetic puzzle game. It was a hit.

(Warning: Neither Elise nor myself dressed for this picture!)

Then it was time to get dressed and get ready for our brunch. Elise even donned her sparkle shoes (well at least for the duration of a few pictures).

Elise has even been practicing her smile... or maybe it's a smirk.

Then everyone began to arrive. Nana and Pops, along with 'GG' (great-grandma) had come up the night before. Grandma and Grandpa Kaiser, Aunt Amy, Uncle Chris and Uncle Rik came over mid morning for the brunch. All of the food was fabulous and we ate until we were stuffed.

Who is filming who?!

Elise wearing a pair of rabbit ear hairclips-compliments of Aunt Amy.

Let me put it this way, we were so stuffed that by the end of the meal, only Elise could fit into this blue, rubber basket.

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