
Sunday, June 10, 2012

Summer Vacation

School is over! Elise finished her first year of preschool about a week ago. We prepped her that she would be on summer vacation ('It's like a really really long weekend!') but she still asks every day if she's going to school. We are so happy she had such a positive experience. Her teacher, along with one other class, hosted an ice cream social the day before school got out. It was complete with a slide show of pictures from the past year. Each child also got an album of pictures and artwork. It was so nice. I didn't tell anyone but I got a bit choked up.... what a dorky mom!
The last day of school

So, now what? Actually there is so much to do! So much fun to be had. We've been frequenting a local park. Elise has no fear when it comes to tall slides. I'm happy that she can finally go to the playground and run and play on her own. It also helps that I told her that adults aren't allowed on the equipment. Of course it didn't help when the exact moment I said that, I mom strolled by on the bouncy bridge with her toddler! At least my rule stuck!

And there is always the yard sprinklers!
 Daddy also put Elise to work on the backyard barn. The old, wooden siding needed to be nailed. Elise was more than happy to lend a hand.

 And who doesn't like going out for ice cream? I think it would drive me crazy if half of my ice cream was dripping down my chin. We honestly went through 50 napkins that evening as we kept running into and out of the ice cream store grabbing more and more of those small napkins. I think next time they will charge us more.

 The Memorial Day parade was a huge hit! They passed out flags to all the kids beforehand. Elise seriously waved her flag the entire hour! The next morning, she picked up her flag and waved it more- declaring 'Hey! It still works!'.

 Elise also just had her eye appointment. She had so much fun sitting in the big chair and 'playing games' with Dr. Brujic. Instead of identifying letters and numbers on the far wall, they show the kids pictures. Elise did well until the picture came up as an 'oldtime' rotary phone. By old, I mean a phone from the 1980s. She had no idea what that picture was! Guess I am getting old. I remember when.... I had to get up to change the tv channel. Haha!
That's the tip of the ice berg of our summer fun! We will be doing story time at the library, swimming at the YMCA and a summer camp (1x a week) at her old physical therapy/speech therapy place. Of course we will have time for napping and relaxing.... which Demi and Garth have already gotten a head start!

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