
Sunday, April 26, 2009

Warm weather

Elise is officially 4 months old today and still on track for all of her developmental milestones. Our pediatrician had told us that Elise would more than likely begin reaching for objects around the time of her next doctor's appointment- which isn't for another two weeks. It seemed like such a big challenge but within the past week and a half, Elise has been reaching out and grabbing onto her toys- sometimes by accident but mostly on purpose. She's officially discovered her hands and enjoys spending time staring at them and putting them into her mouth. It's like she didn't know she had them until just recently. With this new discovery, she's been wanting to pick up and suck on all those toys that we have dangled and played with in front of her.

The weather in Holland has been unseasonably warm this past weekend-- 84 degrees just yesterday when the normal temperature usually is 63. We've had to break into Elise's summer wardrobe of shorts and t-shirts- which are a bit on the big side. Finally, those little sausage legs are able to breathe! It's been great taking long walks as a family-- Brutus, Garth and Daddy included. Jeff has been off for the past week so we've really gotten to enjoy all the time together.

1 comment:

Amy said...

LOVE the pict of her in her hat!!