
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Pre-Thanksgiving Festivities

 The days leading up to Thanksgiving have been busy and fun. Parents were invited to Elise's classroom on Monday for a Pumpkin Party. Unfortunately Daddy had to work but I was able to attend. Everyone was asked to bring in a 'pumpkin' treat to share and we decided to make Pumpkin Parfaits. I would have rather made something filled with sugary goodness but had to stick to a sugar-free recipe as I am once again diagnosed with gestational diabetes (Boo!). So the day before, Elise and baked our hearts out-- the result was actually quite yummy!
 Probably her classmates had no idea that Elise likes to bake in her underwear! I, on the other hand, was wearing pants.

 The party was held in the school's cafeteria. The party was kicked off with well rehearsed play called the Stubborn Pumpkin. Elise played the part of the dog named Pup. She and her friends did a fabulous job!

 Then, after a buffet of tasty treats, we were divided into three rotating stations. We decorated spongy pumpkins with stickers and markers. We played a number game with pumpkin seeds. And we bounced blow up pumpkins with our paddles.

The party concluded with Elise and her classmates playing with a parachute. Man, I remember those days! What fun that used to be and I think Elise would agree...

Then the party was over. Elise could have walked with me to the car but she instead chose to ride the bus across the street instead. I guess I see where I rank! Haha!
It is cute to note that everyone in the class wore their Indian shirts that they made the week before when Nana came to visit.

The day before Thanksgiving, Elise was off from school. I had saved our shopping trip to Giant Eagle for that day because she LOVES to go grocery shopping! Granted she probably likes it because she eats a free cookie while we roam around the store. I love it when she joins me because she likes to ring up our groceries-- minus any heavy, fragile or yucky items that I handle. She even scans the coupons. Mommy is in heaven!

We will have a lot to be THANKFUL this holiday season-- especially since Grandpa got fabulous news from his CAT scan. He is clean and healthy from cancer. Looks like 2012 may be ending on a good note!

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