
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Christmas 2012

Merry Christmas 2012! We celebrated on Christmas Eve with presents and dinner over at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Elise chose to wear something 'fancy' and 'sparkly' for the occasion. Mommy and Daddy just chose to be comfortable!

We opened up stockings and gifts with Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt Amy and Uncle Chris. Again, Elise was too full from snacking and couldn't enjoy the ham dinner but had room for ice cream snowmen and cookies for dessert!

We headed home for showers and Christmas pajamas. Santa was coming so we couldn't stay up late. Elise got a plate of cookies ready for Santa. She thought he'd like some 'juice' too but we insisted that he prefer milk instead.
The next morning we woke up to discover that Santa had come in the night. Elise was bit upset that Santa didn't put his dirty dishes in the sink but instead left them on the table. She insisted that we clean up his mess before we move onto our stockings and presents. We've taught her well!
This year Santa brought Elise a horn and capes... as she had asked. She's convinced that she can now jump higher on her trampoline. Maybe the dish towel cape is now retired.... Santa also picked up Jingle the Elf. We've been told that he'll return next  year.
Nans and Pops came before lunch and we opened up presents together. No surprise that their cash register was a hit. Afterall, who doesn't like to play Giant Eagle at home?!?
After naptime, Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt Amy, Uncle Chris and Uncle Rik came over. We had an appetizer dinner to keep things easy and so we could enjoy more time together. And guess who made an appearance?! Santa Claus came! He dropped by and gave everyone candy canes and gifts. He must have been tired after his night of delivering presents but he made time for us.

We also had our annual white elephant gift exchange. Pops enjoyed his new snowman 3D light glasses. Other presents included Irish breath spray (when used- you talk in an Irish accent) and corn dog mints, 

The grand finale gift was a toilet mug. Everyone had to draw a picture of a Christmas tree, fireplace and stockings on top of their heads. No one said that winning was easy! It's fierce competition for these gifts!
Jeff and I also give the grandmothers necklaces with Elise's and the twins names on them. It was quite a surprise for them. We also are letting them pick the girls middle names. It was important for us to include them in our growing family. What better time than Christmas to all celebrate together! We are so blessed to be closing 2012 and opening up 2013 with two new bundles on love!

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