
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Elise Turns 4!

Our little girl is 4 years old! What a party we've had celebrating Elise's birthday! Jeff and I wanted to make things extra special since soon she'll be sharing the spotlight with her new sisters. Frankly I'm just relieved that her little sisters weren't there for the momentous occasion- more importantly, that I could be there to ring in the festivities!
The day before Elise's birthday she took in a birthday snack (because on her actual birthday, there was no school). She and I made chocolate dipped pretzel rods slathered in rainbow star sprinkles. It must have been a hit as not one pretzel made the trip home. Elise was a star at school-- getting to wear a sticker saying she was a birthday girl and she even got to sit in the rocking chair during circle time. Trust me, this is a huge deal!
That evening, when daddy came home from work, we opened up a few presents. Our fabulous babysitter, Jessica bought Elise owl socks and a bug memory matching game. We all know Elise's love of all things bugs!
She also opened up our gifts-- as not to be too overwhelmed from family gifts at her birthday party the next day. The biggest hit was her Crocodile Dentist game. We scoured the Internet to find the original game as you get to actually extract teeth (a newer model doesn't have removable parts... what's the point?! Who cares if a couple of kids choke on a molar or two!).
After a couple full mouth extraction cases, we called it a day. Afterall, we all needed our beauty sleep for Friday's birthday and family party!
The birthday girl woke up and insisted she help make the cake. Not wanting to disappoint Elise, we whipped up the cake-- but left the decorating to me as a surprise.
While Elise napped, we (me, daddy, Nans, and Pops) transformed our dining room to Tony's from Elise's favorite movie- Lady and the Tramp. The boys made the sign while the girls decorated the table.

We had drippy candles, streamers and dog bowls set for the dinner party. The menu was to consist of spaghetti and meatballs, bread sticks, and salad. Not wanting to act like humans, we thought it would be fun to eat out of the dog bowls--

Elise was excited to see the transformation!

Then it was party time!
Right before the guests arrived, our neighbor and Elise's friend, Annie, dropped by with a present. Annie comes over a day or two a week and plays with Elise. They've gotten to be good friends and we hope that Annie will officially turn into the twin's babysitter in a few years. 
We played Lady and the Tramp on the tv while Elise's guests arrived- Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt Amy and Uncle Chris.

We first started with presents. Uncle Dick and Aunt Jean sent a ukulele from Hawaii complete with a grass skirt and coconut bra.

Then it was dinner time. The birthday girl had so much fun opening up her presents that she didn't have much of an appetite for dinner as it meant she had to postpone playing with her new toys... Of course we listened to Lady and the Tramp soundtrack while we ate.

But no need to worry, as usual, Elise had room for cake and ice cream! 

"I'm four!"
Afterwards we retired to the family room for our annual dance party. 
Who doesn't enjoy a little synchronized dancing on their birthday?!
It was a perfect party for a perfect birthday. Happy 4th birthday Miss Elise! We love you so!

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