
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Party of Five

I made it 37.5 weeks with twins... a mere few days short from my scheduled c-section date that had been on the calendar since August! That in and of itself is a miracle in so many ways-- especially since I had had Elise at 34.5 weeks and the average pair of twins is born at the 35-36 week mark.

My water broke on Sunday night when Jeff and I were a mere 1.5 episodes away from finishing up a season of Boardwalk Empire with our free HBO from our cable provider. After a few comedic events getting out the door (I'll spare the details), we headed to Toledo hospital.

We made it into the OR several hours after arriving, giving enough time for the grandparents to all make it in (even Nans and Pops with a 2-hour drive). Our wonderful neighbor and friend Kevin was our anaesthesiologist. He insisted that we call him day or night. It was so nice to have a familiar face in there with us! He helped to calm our nerves and gave our parents an update afterwards. Ironically the doctor on call was the same one who delivered Elise. So, even in the sea of the 2 NICU teams and other nurses, we knew our doctors were the best.

On Monday January 14th, Cecilia Anne was first born at 12:41am. She weighed 5lbs 2oz and was 18 inches long. Next born was Hadley Katherine at 12:42 am. She weighed 5lbs and was 17 inches long. Unlike Elise's c-section, they were born crying and upset like all babies should. It was a welcome sight and was extra touching. Being feisty and healthy, they weren't sent to the NICU!

Tape on hats "Baby A" and "Baby B"

After a longer than expected time in recovery due to a few minor complications, we got to our room at 4:30am. It was nice to get some rest. The grandparents were happy to go home and sleep too!

Elise woke up on Monday morning with us missing. In our place, Aunt Amy, Nans, and Pops were there to get her up and out the door for school. Jeff came home from the hospital so he could get a bit of rest and get her ready to come up to meet her new sisters after naptime.

Elise was all smiles coming into my room. She was excited to meet her new sisters- to hold them, kiss them, hug them and feed them. 

                                       Something in those eyes seem so sparkly.... so happy.
It must have felt like an eternity that she waited on her sisters to come.

After the second day I was here, they no longer allowed visitors under the age of 18 to come and visit because of the flu outbreak. I'm not sure who was more sad- me or Elise. But, tomorrow we will all be discharged-- ironically on the day of my scheduled c-section

I know that we will be super busy settling into a new routine but we have the love and support of so much family and friends. Like most mothers, I worry mostly about Elise. She will be a fabulous big sister but I also want to make sure she knows that I still love her all the same. I also worry about her adjusting to sharing the spotlight. Afterall, it's been four fabulous years of being an only child... there will no doubt be drama. But in the end, I know we will be fine. A new family of five.

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