
Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Playhouse Makeover

I'm embarrassed to say that I've been working on Elise's playhouse for over 2 years. Granted, some of that time I've been pregnant with twins, raising babies and just trying to survive. Ha! Regardless of my excuse, I thought it was time to get the playhouse done so Elise could spend the summer playing in it. It still remains a work in progress (I have a few minor things I'd still like to do... find a comfortable seat for inside, remove the old tape adhesive on the windows, etc). But it's still ready for the 2014 summer debut!

Now I just have to teach Elise to read the clock!
Making floral arrangements on the porch

It is a hit! Elise spends a ton of time down in her playhouse... usually with Gladys or Demi by her side. I hope that the playhouse is something that will continually change and be customized as the girls get older... a place of refuge from us old people. A place to unwind, eat Popsicles and just be a kid.

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