
Thursday, June 12, 2014

Tennis Anyone?

Elise is trying a new sport.. tennis. I have recently taken the game back up since my years in high school and Jeff has recently learned the game as well. If Elise enjoys the sport and sticks with it, she will beating us in no time! She truly has a fabulous swing.... I'm not saying that because I think my girl is fabulous (although she is!).

Coach Chris and Elise

Elise has been playing for a few months-- taking lessons with other 4-7 year olds. They are learning with red balls which are more foamy and bounce slower. The net is also lower. At some lessons, they hit balloons and they always play games and do fun drills.
Hadley and Cecilia come to root big sister along. 
Sometimes Daddy meets some friends during Elise's lessons for a few games. We stop outside too and root him on as well. Good job Dad! Plus it's nice to make a snack mess outside where you don't have to clean up as well.

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