
Monday, March 25, 2013

2 Months and Preschool Visit

Hadley and Cecilia 9 weeks
Going for a punch!
The girls had their 2 month well check. Cecilia is 9lb 9oz (20%), 22'' (30%), and has a head circumference of 14 3/4 inches (25%). Hadley is 9lb 3oz (10%), 22" (30%), and has a head circumference of 14 1/2 inches(25%). Overall, Dr. Kennedy is happy. I mentioned to her that I think Cecilia would like to sleep longer at night (I feed both girls at the same time in the middle of the night) but I was afraid to try. She responded that I shouldn't be afraid that Cecilia would sleep too long and wouldn't wake. I told her it wasn't that I was afraid of that but that I was afraid for myself to lose more sleep! Haha! Oh Dr. Kennedy-- you are so silly! I was thinking of myself!

Elise continues to play Saturday soccer and even scored her first goal! Go team Revolution!

Elise at school playing at the texture table

I was lucky enough to get to spend the morning at preschool with Elise. They are doing a unit on shapes so I offered to read a book and bring in a snack. It was a nice change of pace to play with Elise during her school day.
It also happened that she had the 'sharing bag' during circle time. That day she had to bring in an item from home that started with the letter 'S'. She opted to bring in her green 'shaker' (AKA maraca). It was so great to see her share and explain her item to her her teacher and classmates. She's grown so much and I cherish seeing her growth and development.

Elise, her 'shaker' and Miss Gail
I continue to find my way with the twins and Elise each and every day. The girls aren't usually on the same napping schedule so most days I'm like a ping pong ball bouncing back and forth between them. But I know each day I'm a step closer to having them take the sharing bag into Miss Gail's class and I'm  a step closer to sleeping through the night. Until then, I remain patient and optimistic.

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