
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Big Game- Sleep!

Hadley, Cecilia- 10 weeks
I can become obsessive (in a good way!) about certain things in my life and now I'm obsessed with getting the girls to sleep more at night. I've read countless books- each one offering a different view as to how and when a baby should be sleeping ten or more hours a night. Now that Dr. Kennedy mentioned that I should treat each girl individually during the night hours, I've essentially doubled my night job. But, at the same time, I have the hope that someone will have a break through and miraculously sleep until 6am without waking up. So, with that promise and hope, I attack the night down to each little detail. I feel like an athlete gearing up for a big game. I am superstitious to what pajamas seem to have gotten a bit more sleep for each baby (sad, I know!) and how much Cecilia and Hadley need to eat before going to their crib (ok-- that one is more science!). If I'm overbearing and meticulous with making and daytime schedule stick, I'm worse at night! I'm going to win the Superbowl and I insist that I win it sooner rather than later!

Hadley, Cecilia, and Demi too
So, armed with a kick in the butt from the pediatrician, I decided to let the girls get up when they want to at night. Of course the first night was an utter disaster. Rather that sleeping until 2:30 or 3:30, Hadley awoke promptly at 12:57 for bottle number 1 followed by Cecilia at 2:30, Hadley at 3:30 and Cecilia at 5:15. The second night was much improved with back to back 2:30 and 3am feedings. But I wait-- someone will sleep longer and I will dance around that dark nursery with a smile on my face. Rather, I'll smile when I open one eye from my bed and look at the clock.

But, alas! Last night we had a break through. The girls took their last bottles at 9:45 and were in their crib by 10:30. Hadley woke to eat at 2:45 but Cecilia powered through until 4:40! Mama was happy! I don't have delusions that this will occur every night but at least I know it's possible and things are on the up and up!

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